Here’s my script:

var tabs = new Ext.TabPanel('tabs1');
tabs.addTab('script', "View Script");
tabs.addTab('markup', "View Markup");

<div id="tabs1">
    <div id="script" class="tab-content">
        (Content goes here)
    <div id="markup" class="tab-content">
        (Content goes here)

Tabs with fixed height that scroll the content. Built entirely with javascript.

  • Tab 1 is a normal tab with content passed when adding it.
  • Tab 2 is loaded via Ajax. It was set up using the standard UpdateManager functionality. It reloads it’s content every time it’s activated.
  • Tab 3 is loaded via Ajax too. It was set up using setUrl() a convenience method that will do everything done on tab 2 and also has the ability to set it to load only once.
  • Tab 4 has an event listener attached.
  • Tab 5 is disabled.

KeystoneIs your neighborhood pool listed here? If not, then you can add it yourself! It’s easy.

[wpst_club_profile clubid=1 googlemap=’y’ link=’y’]